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Absences & Attendance



The Texas Education Agency requires that our attendance be taken during the second period of each day. Therefore, our attendance is taken at 10:00 am. If your child is not in the classroom at that time, he/she will be counted absent for the day. Please schedule appointments for your child after lunch whenever possible. When your child is out due to a dentist or doctor’s appointment and will return to school the same day, a note received by 3:00 pm from your doctor that day will cause your child not to be counted as absent. 
If your child will be absent due to a religious holiday which is not listed as a school holiday, please send written notification one week in advance.
It is school policy to verify all absences each day.
Please report your child's absence by sending a note upon your child's return with the following information: 
  • Student's name
  • Student's grade
  • Teacher's name
  • Date(s) of absence(s)
  • Reason for absence(s)
All unreported absences will be considered unexcused. 
A student will be marked “Tardy” if he/she is not in class at 7:56 am. Students will not be eligible for perfect attendance if they are tardy, are picked up early, or have any absences. If a student arrives after 7:56 am, he/she should report to the office before going to class, to receive an admittance pass to class.
Students leaving before the end of the school day must be signed out through the office by a parent or guardian as listed on the registration form.