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Breakfast & Lunch

Breakfast & Lunch

All students will be given a keypad number that they must remember in order to purchase a lunch.  All prepay lunch and breakfast money must be turned in to the cafeteria before school. Menus are available on the nutrition services homepage. 
Breakfast is served from 7:20 am until 7:50 am. Children will not be served breakfast after 7:50 am so that they will be on time for instruction.
We provide a hot lunch during their designated lunch time.
  • .30¢ reduced price
  • $2.45 paid price
  • $4.00 adult and visitor price 
  • .40¢ reduced price
  • $3.20 paid price for Elementary
  • $5.00 adult and visitor price
If your child is bringing his/her lunch, do not include soft drinks. Children tend to play with soft drink tabs, taking them off and putting them in others' food, etc. Students quite often pass soft drinks around to other students which, as you know, can be very unhealthy.
Parents who wish to eat lunch with their child may sit at the designated visitor table. Students may not bring a friend to sit with them. While a parent may provide food for their own child, it is not acceptable to bring food for another student. 
For Free/Reduced Meals:
Under the provisions of the free and reduced-price meal, Lampasas ISD Nutrition Services will review applications and determine eligibility for the 2024-2025 school years. Applications are available at each campus in the district. Nutrition Services is located at 207 E. Ave A Lampasas, TX 76550. Phone number 512-556-8948